[CM] Re: clm newbie needs big help!

Joseph L Anderson j.l.anderson at bham.ac.uk
Sat Jun 29 15:58:44 PDT 2002

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the great advice. Yes, its very helpful! Am having a bit of a 
hang up w/ clisp installation, though.

Ive gone through the process of installing Fink - which was easy - as 
you noted. Following that i selected clisp to be installed. Fink doesnt 
seem to have completely installed clisp, however. When i try to run 
clisp i get an error:

dyld: /sw/lib/clisp/base/lisp.run can't open library: 
/sw/lib/libdl.0.dylib  (No such file or directory, errno = 2)

Have looked around on my disk and can't find 'libdl.0.dylib'.

It seems rather suspicious that there would be a file missing. Wondering 
if for some reason there was a screw up as Fink was installing clisp on 
my machine? Or maybe there is a problem w/ the clisp version available?

Any thoughts on this? Should i try having Fink install clisp again? (am 
on a slow modem connection - so it takes a bit of time. . .)


am running macos 10.1.5 - if that makes any difference

oh, and if it does come to it - maybe i will try building clisp from 
sources w/ bash (thanks for the link). though i have no excitement about 
doing so. . .

On Friday, June 28, 2002, at 09:47  PM, Michael Klingbeil wrote:

> From: Michael Klingbeil <michael at klingbeil.com>
> Date: Fri Jun 28, 2002  09:47:53  PM US/Pacific
> To: Joseph L Anderson <j.l.anderson at bham.ac.uk>
> Subject: Re: [CM] (no subject)
> An easier way might be to download a precompiled version of clisp. The 
> Fink project at http://fink.sourceforge.net is probably one of the best 
> sources of ports for MacOS X / Darwin. It is based on the Debian 
> package management system.
> This page:
> http://fink.sourceforge.net/download/index.php
> has some simple directions for getting started. Once fink is installed 
> run dselect at the terminal and select the packages you want to 
> install. Currently clisp is at version 2-2.27-1, but this seems to work 
> fine for building clm.
> Once clisp is installed, the building of clm should be relatively 
> straightforward.
> Also you'll need to have the Apple Developer Tools installed 
> (http://developer.apple.com/tools/macosxtools.html) for the C compiler, 
> but perhaps you already have that.
> If you still want to build clisp from the sources you could try getting 
> a pre-compiled bash from one of the following places:
> (From GNU MacOS X Public Archive at http://www.osxgnu.org/)
> http://scweb.sandiego.edu/osxgnu/Shells/bash-2.05X.pkg.sit.bin
> OR...
> http://www.mneptok.com/software/osx/bash-macosx.tgz
> I hope this information is helpful.
Joseph L Anderson

Acousmatic Music  .  Sound Recording  .  Radio Production
4210 North West Crescent Valley Drive
Corvallis, Oregon, 97330             email: lloyd at sfsound.org

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