[CM] a quick, realy basic question

Rick Taube taube at uiuc.edu
Wed Jun 12 05:23:10 PDT 2002

>getting an error. Would some kind person
>explain what I'm doing wrong:
>I said:
>(setf pal-foo (new palindrome notes (import-events "c:\\tmp\\blah.mid")))

sorry ive been away for a few days.
its not clear from your example what you are actually indending to put in your palindrome. import-events will return one or more seqs holdings the midi messages it parses from a file.  these midi messages are not "notes" as it would appear you expect given your expression: (new palindrome notes ...)
this is what i think you want to do:

1) import a track of data from a midifile:

  (setf x (import-events "c:\\tmp\\blah.mid" :tracks 1) )

2. define a function that maps over subobjects and returns keynumbers:

  (defun subobjects->keynums (seq) 
    (loop for m in (subobjects seq)
          when (typep m 'midi) 
          collect (midi-keynum m)))

3. create a palindrome from that data:

  (setf y (new palindrome notes (subobjects->keynums x)))

that should give you a palindrome of the note values of the midi objects you parsed in track 1 of a file.

>I'm attempting my first non-example CM interaction and not surprisingly am
>getting an error. Would some kind person
>explain what I'm doing wrong:
>I said:
>(setf pal-foo (new palindrome notes (import-events "c:\\tmp\\blah.mid")))
>I got:
>*** - argument to ROUND should be a real number: #<seq: "BLAH-TRACK-0">
>(setf pal-foo (new palindrome notes (import-events "c:\\tmp\\blah.mid"
>:tracks 1)))
>got me the same error msg.
>Sorry, I just don't know what it's refering to.
>Thank in advance,
>Carl Edwards
>Cmdist mailing list
>Cmdist at ccrma.stanford.edu

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