[CM] CM/CLM/CMN goes webway

Carl Edwards carl.boingie at rcn.com
Sat Jul 6 12:13:01 PDT 2002

Very sweet!

Being a 3D animator these things are close to my heart. Thanks Anders.

BTW: Since you are interested in spatial projections in music: are you,
familiar with Stephane Rollandin's work? He has written a package in the
KeyKit language called GeoMaestro. You might find it interesting.


Carl Edwards

> >>> "CE" == Carl Edwards <carl.boingie at rcn.com> writes:
>     CE> Tell me, are the projections making use of a perspective
>     CE> space?
> Yes, but the objects are not projected into one globally defined
> perspective (apart from the 2D web-image), but rather many
> simultaneously.
>     CE> Did I understand that you rendering the graphics in CMN?
> Yes, controlled in part by CM and CLM-entities: analysis
> techniques, patterns, oscils, filters etc.  (Piping the final
> postscript-output through GhostScript to downgrade to a format
> applicable to web-browsers -- JPEG in this case.)
>     CE> Are those transformations a normal part of that package?
> AFAIK the matrix class and set of methods, which is responsible
> for the transformation i beleive youre asking about, is
> applicable to every cmn-object at any level.

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