[CM] for I below (num)

Rick Taube hkt at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Aug 14 15:22:01 PDT 2002

hi - it appears as if your for variables depend on one another.
i cant remeber if that is "legal" or not in loop syntax. if
so then ill have to fix the loop expansion code when im back
on the 22nd.

On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, Carl Edwards wrote:

> I thought I was following an example but apparently I'm missing something...
> Can someone shed a little light?
> I have a process in which I was trying to use a for->below as a "ticker":
> (defprocess sine-o-time (num)
>    (process
>         for i below num
>         for S = (* 10 (+ .5 (sin i)))
>         for ba = (* 10 (+ .5 (sin (* 2 i)))
>         for U = (+ 30 (+ S ba))
>         output (new midi time (now) keynum U duration .5)
>         wait .5))
> When I try to use it, like this:
> (events (sine-o-time 512) "c:\\tmp\\sin.mid")
> I get:
> *** - EVAL: the function I is undefined
> I'll hit the books, but any help would be appreciated.
> TIA.
> Carl Edwards
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