[CM] for I below (num)
Michael Klingbeil
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 01:08:31 -0400
Perhaps maybe you are just missing an extra parenthesis? I tried
adding a parenthesis at the end of this line as follows:
for ba = (* 10 (+ .5 (sin (* 2 i))))
Then everything seems to work. Hope this helps.
>I thought I was following an example but apparently I'm missing something...
>Can someone shed a little light?
>I have a process in which I was trying to use a for->below as a "ticker":
>(defprocess sine-o-time (num)
> (process
> for i below num
> for S = (* 10 (+ .5 (sin i)))
> for ba = (* 10 (+ .5 (sin (* 2 i)))
> for U = (+ 30 (+ S ba))
> output (new midi time (now) keynum U duration .5)
> wait .5))
>When I try to use it, like this:
>(events (sine-o-time 512) "c:\\tmp\\sin.mid")
>I get:
>*** - EVAL: the function I is undefined
>I'll hit the books, but any help would be appreciated.
>Carl Edwards
>Cmdist mailing list