Unexplained run-loop behavior

Larry Troxler lt@westnet.com
Fri, 19 Sep 1997 23:07:59 -0400 (EDT)

I'm really not having much luck with CLM tonight :-(

I've got these two instruments:

(definstrument (grump :parallel t) (start)
  (let* ((beg (floor (* start sampling-rate)))
	 (end (1+ beg)))
     (loop for samp from beg below end do
	   (clm-print "~&~D~&" beg)
	   (outa samp 0.0)))))
(make-instance 'grump)

(definstrument (grump2 :parallel t) (start d)
  (let* ((beg (floor (* start sampling-rate)))
	 (end (+ 1 beg (floor (* d sampling-rate)))))
     (loop for samp from beg below end do
	   (clm-print "~&~D~&" beg)
	   (outa samp 0.0)))))
(make-instance 'grump2)


The first instrument, I would expect to print its start time once.

Instead, nothing gets printed, and the output file size is about 69MB:

Stella [T1]: new grump 3
Slots and values: rhythm 0.001
New object position: (<cr>=T1) 

Stella [T1]: mix
Mix objects: (<cr>=T1) 
Start time offset:(<cr>=None) 
File: test.snd
Channels: 1
Srate: 22050.0
Reverb: None
grump 0.000 grump 0.001 grump 0.002 test.snd: 
  Duration: 0.0002 (4 samples), Last begin time: 0.0020 (sample 44)
  Compute time: 0.103, Compute ratio: 567.79
  OutA max amp: 0.000 (near 0.000 secs)

Stella [T1]: 

    Pretty strange. I then thought that CLM perhaps needs to see a
   duration parameter, hence "grump2": 

Stella [T1]: new grump2 3
Slots and values: rhythm 0.001 d 0
New object position: (<cr>=T1) 

Stella [T1]: open test.snd statistics t verbose t
Stream: #<File: "test.snd">
Stella [T1]: mix
Mix objects: (<cr>=T1) 
Start time offset:(<cr>=None) 
File: test.snd
Channels: 1
Srate: 22050.0
Reverb: None
grump2 0.000 grump2 0.001 




grump2 0.002 




  Duration: 0.0022 (49 samples), Last begin time: 0.0020 (sample 44)
  Compute time: 0.503, Compute ratio: 226.35
  OutA max amp: 0.000 (near 0.000 secs)

Stella [T1]

   Now, it seems like the run loop is being called not only on the
   instrument start times, but for each sample in between, with "beg" 
   bound to 0!

What's going on here?!?!?


--  Larry Troxler  --  lt@westnet.com  --  Patterson, NY USA  --