Bug in CMN (default clef in tied staves)

Jacques Duthen duthen@club-internet.fr
Wed, 31 Dec 1997 01:45:50 +0100


When a staff has no clef, an "intelligent" mechanism tries
to guess the best clef according to the notes on the staff.
When two staves are tied, this mechanism should decide for
the same clef for both staves, otherwise you get the bug
as in the following example:

(in-package "CMN")

(cmn (output-type :quickdraw)
     (size 24)
     (page-width 16)
     (staff-name-font-scaler 0.6)
     (layout :old-style)
     (section (system bracket
                      (setq |Drum-STAFF|
                            (staff nil
                                   (staff-name "Drum")
                                   (meter 2 4 (beaming '(1 1)))
                                   (engorge (list
                                             (c5 (rq 1) stem-up)
                                             (b4 (rq 1) stem-up)))))
                      (staff (tied-to |Drum-STAFF|)
                             (meter 2 4 invisible (beaming '(1 1)))
                             (engorge (list (f2 (rq 1) stem-down)
                                            (g2 (rq 1) stem-down)))))))

| # # | # # # | # # | # # # | # # | # # # | Jacques Duthen   [jack] |
| # # | # # # | # # | # # # | # # | # # # | duthen@club-internet.fr |