More CMN "bar" stuff.

Larry Troxler
Sun, 14 Dec 1997 18:10:59 -0500 (EST)

On Sun, 14 Dec 1997, Rick Taube wrote:

> >So, can anyone help me out here? Am I really the only person on the planet
> >that is actually _using_ this stuff??
> could be. ive cwrtainly used it in the past when i notate for real
> instruments. but as i mentioned last week, i can only look at the cm/cmn
> interface once my semester's obligations are over, i cant do anything until
> then.  there is a (staff ) macro in cm that lets you specify the clef(s)
> for channel-based layout.

Ouch. I sounded very demanding last night - in case there's any
confusion, please be assured that the
intended tone was simply late-night frustration; I didn't mean it to sound
like "I want some answers now, dag-gummit!". Of course, this "dag-gummit"
guy must really be a guru or something, since he's the one that everyone
turns to in desparation. So if anyone has his email address, ...

About the bar-lines, I've spent a couple of hours this lazy afternoon
meandering through the CM and CMN sources, and unfortunately I've got

My goal is simply to score a piano part from CM with normal bar lines that
apply to the treble-bass system and not just to one staff.

My observations so far:

1. It seems that inserting cmn objects with data ='((bar)) into the thread
doesn't work, because the division of the the thread into treble and bass
staves seems to be done very late in the process, under CMN control, and
the fact that there is more than one staff at play is invisible to CM.

2. Realizing this, I then tried to take the approach of duplicating the
original CM thread, keeping the treble events in one, and the bass events
in the other, and the bar events in both. I tried to use the "mute" flags
for this. However, this doesn't work, because the CMN class is note a
timed-event, IOW it is not assigned a rhythm or a start time. 

3. I think I'll shut down the 'puter and watch a movie instead.



--  Larry Troxler  --  --  Patterson, NY USA  --