[mus422] Music 422 - HW7 - Listening Test

Jon Peterson Stanford at jonrpeterson.com
Wed Feb 24 23:27:53 PST 2010

Hey Guys,

I wrote an application in Objective-C that can help with the listening
tests.  I plan to make updates to the application prior to submitting our
final project, but I thought that I would send out the current version to
see if it would help anyone.  The application implements a mushra
(spelling?) test, which randomizes the sliders and includes the hidden


Running the app:
1. Open the XCode project
2. Open Controller.m
3. Change all of my hard-coded paths to your own file paths (I know, this
part is lame)
4. Make sure that your output files follow the same naming convention:
   <Coder Number>_output_<input file name>
   (I had coder numbers 1 through 6 based on the requirements for HW7)
5. Build and run
6. Load the file list (file -> load)  (I know, this is also lame)
7. Save after each test is run (file -> save)

The program will output an XML file which includes the lookup table which
tells you which coders correspond to which letters, and also the rating for
each coder.

I am happy to show this off before/after class on Friday.  Hopefully this
tool will help some of us perform some better testing.

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