Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
155 Music 155 Class List
220 Music 220 series mailing list
220a Class Mailing List for Music 220a
220b Class Mailing List for Music 220b
220c The email list for members of CCRMA's Music 220C class.
250-alum [no description available]
256 Music 256 | CS 476: Music, Computing, Design
3d-sound [no description available]
420 Music 420 mailing list
422 Class email list for Music 422: Perceptual Audio Coding
ADTV Mailing List for Artful Design TV
anet08banff ANet II, April 11-13, 2008
Artful-Design Artful Design, the Mailing List!
book-launch planning mailing list
Ccrmatest test list
Events Concerts, colloquia,...@CCRMA
Feedbackers [no description available]
game [no description available]
Grads A list that includes all currently active CCRMA PhD and MA/MST students.
IETF Internet Ensemble Tech Force -- Music 153b
Jitterbug jacktrip developers
List-created-via-cli [no description available]
List-created-via-gui [no description available]
LOL Laptop Orchestra of the Left mailing list
MachineLearning Machine Learning Interest Group
Mailman [no description available]
Manifesto The CCRMA Subcomittee on Manifestos
MCD Music:Computing:Design
Mininote [no description available]
MoMu Mobile Music Toolkit + Research at CCRMA, Stanford University
MoPhO Stanford Mobile Phone Orchestra
MoPhO-announce Stanford Mobile Phone Orchestra [Announce]
neuromusiclab [no description available]
NPP [no description available]
phds For communication directly to active CCRMA PhD students
PIGs Mailing List for Physical Interaction [Design] Group
Pitstop-2008 [no description available]
PlanetCCRMA Planet CCRMA Package Collection
PlanetCCRMANews Planet CCRMA News and Announcements
PMM [no description available]
Rim-of-Wire [no description available]
SLOrk Stanford Laptop Orchestra
SLOrk-2008 Stanford Laptop Orchestra 2008
SLOrk-2009 Stanford Laptop Orchestra 2009
SLOrk-announce Stanford Laptop Orchestra Announcement List
slork-china Stanford Laptop Orchestra => China;
soundwire-ensemble [no description available]
SpHEAR-devel [no description available]
THINK66 Class Mailing List for THINK66: Design that Understands Us
THINK66-Team Teaching Team for "Design that Understands Us"
VR VR Design Lab
VR-Community Stanford VR Design Lab Mailing List
ware-group Web Audio Research and Experiment (WARE) Group @ CCRMA

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