[Stk] MIDI event timing relative to audio stream

Tim Grant tim at rootdown.net
Tue Apr 12 14:05:14 PDT 2022


I've recently started prototyping a synthesizer project using RtAudio and
RtMidi. I'm doing the initial development in Windows and I plan to
eventually port the project to something like a Raspberry Pi if the
prototype goes well.

I have the audio output and MIDI input working, and I'm starting to think
about triggering the synth voices with MIDI notes. I would like to keep the
jitter between the notes and the triggered sounds low, but I'm not quite
sure how to achieve this with these two APIs.

A diagram might be helpful here:
MIDI      -----N----------------------N-------------------------->
Input          |                      |
               |                      |
Audio     |----*-----|----P-----|-----*----|-----P----|---------->
Stream       Frame 1    Frame 2    Frame 3    Frame 4    Frame 5

My thinking is that I need to know at what point in the current audio frame
an MIDI note arrives. From the diagram, assume a note (N) arrives at the
moment corresponding to the 5th sample in Frame 1; knowing this, I can
begin playback at the 5th sample on the next frame (P). This way, the
latency is held constant at 1 frame and the amount of jitter is minimized.

So with that long-winded introduction out of the way, my question is:

Is it possible to recover the timing of MIDI events relative to the audio
stream? I can't see how to do this using the delta time provided with the
MIDI note and the stream time provided by RtAudio, but my hope is that I'm
missing something.


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