[Stk] voicer.tick() eventually causes EXC_BAD_ACCESS

Patrick J. Collins patrick at collinatorstudios.com
Thu Aug 20 13:28:07 PDT 2015

Hi everyone,

I am filling a buffer with samples from a voicer object:

    short *buffer;
    NSUInteger size = BUFFER_SIZE * 2;
    buffer = (short *)malloc(size);
    for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
        float sample = voicer->tick();
        buffer[i] = sample * (1 << 15);

It seems after a while of my app running it will crash...  When attempting to debug, I am seeing:


which calls:


    temp = gains_[1] * adsr_[1]->tick() * waves_[1]->tick();

which calls:


      lastFrame_[i] = data_.interpolate( tyme, i );

which crashes on this line:

  StkFloat output, alpha = frame - (StkFloat) iIndex;  // fractional part of index


Some debugger output:

  (lldb) expr frame
  (stk::StkFloat) $13 = 668.52794056178266

  (lldb) expr channel
  (unsigned int) $14 = 0

  (lldb) expr  nFrames_ - 1
  (unsigned long) $16 = 1024

  (lldb) expr  (StkFloat) nFrames_ - 1
  error: Trying to put the stack in unreadable memory at: 0x61aaff0.

...  Any idea what would cause this to happen?

Patrick J. Collins

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