[Stk] Play.cpp - newbie questions

Helena Troy helenatroy1@hotmail.com
Thu, 26 Jan 2006 03:59:53 +0000


I recently downloaded the stk; I've built the apps in the 'projects/exmaples 
folder,and I''ve been trying to understand how 'play' works.  its been a 
while since I've written any code - I took some uni level classes in java 
and c.  I'm afriad I might be asking some real obvious questions, but I've 
looked on line, checked some books, and I still can't figure some things 

re- play.cpp

in the tick function
int tick(char *buffer, int bufferSize, void *dataPointer)
It looks like the parameter 'bufferSize' is never used in tick() -  What's 
going on here?

in the first try block in main there is the syntax catch (StkError &).  I 
don't understand how the address of operator can be used in this way.  Isn't 
it supposed to be before the variable it gives the address of?

thanks ever so much -  I may submit some more questions later, about the 
tick() callback function.