[SpHEAR-devel] SpHEAR - MGW ambisonic microphone help, please!

mwildo at tiscali.co.uk mwildo at tiscali.co.uk
Thu Jun 28 14:39:56 PDT 2018

SpHEAR - MGW ambisonic microphone help, please!

(sent to sphear-devel at ccrma.stanford.edu)

Dear SpHEAR Development

I have recently started to develop my own version of a 4 microphone ambisonic array. My 3D-printable tetrahedral design 
is now well advanced.

In the course of my researching, I have discovered ‘SpHEAR’, including the .pdf of the 2016 Guildford conference.

This is very interesting stuff and I have picked up lots of interesting information. Thank you all!

I am a natural soundscape recordist with a particular interest in long duration sequences and, of course, realistic 
spatial reproduction. I regret that I do not have much programming experience, but I consider myself reasonably logical 
and determined, when it comes to learning new skills.

Could I ask a couple of small requests / questions?

I understand that cardioid capsules are rear-vented. Is it important that the containing ‘sphere’ of the capsule mount 
is as ‘open’ as possible so as not to upset the designed performance of the capsules, or should the mount be ‘as 
‘closed’ as possible?

At present, the area of calibration seems to me something of a ‘dark’ art. Would it be possible for someone to write a 
‘read me’ which explains the calibration process simply from ‘the ground up’? Maybe there is a definitive document out 
there somewhere.

I hope I am not troubling you with overly trivial requests.

Good luck with the continuing development of the project!

Kind Regards!

Michael G. Wiles (from the UK)

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