[PlanetCCRMANews] [PlanetCCRMA] nvidia driver needs kernel-source

stuff stuff at johnadon.com
Mon Mar 8 05:56:23 PST 2010

I hope I'm not repeating anything that's already appeared in this 
thread, but I was able to install the NVIDIA drivers pretty easily using 
just the driver from the NVIDIA site and the kernel-rt-devel rpm from 
CCRMA. You will need to create an xorg.conf file in /etc/X11 (it's not 
there any more by default) to point toward the NVIDIA driver, rather 
than the driver that comes with Fedora. I think when you run the 
./NVIDIA-Linux-xxx-xxx-blahblah.run file as root, it will offer to 
create an xorg.conf file for you at the end of the routine. I don't ever 
do this because I've got a bunch of junk in my xorg.conf file already, 
but I do recall that it creates an appropriate configuration file if you 
let it do it's thing. Sometimes the driver install package will generate 
an error or two, but the installation still creates the kernel module 
successfully. Takes just minutes once you've got the hang of it. You'll 
have to compile it again if a new kernel comes down through the CCRMA 
pipeline though.

2010-03-08 07:30, Roy Vestal skrev:
> Usually it's the kernel-devel pkg.
> If you want the full source, you need to "build" the source ( I know it
> sounds weird). You can follow the "howto" from fedoraproject to get it:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Building_a_custom_kernel
> On Mar 1, 2010, at 12:19 AM, Ryan wrote:
>> Hey everyone, just got CCRMA running on Fedora 12.
>> I'm trying to get proprietary NVIDIA drivers installed now.
>> I've installed the necessary kmod-nvidia drivers but it needs kernel
>> source.
>> Here is my kernel, running the CCRMA rt kernel
>> $ uname -a
>> Linux fedora #1 SMP PREEMPT RT
>> Tue Feb 23 18:16:58 EST 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>> How do I install the kernel source package?
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> Roy Vestal
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