[PlanetCCRMANews] updates: rosegarden, pvoc, many more for fc2 and below

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Feb 16 17:51:12 PST 2005

Some updates:

* rosegarden updated to version 1.0-1
* pvoc updated to version 0.1.10-1

and now for something completely different, a bunch of packages that
were updated in fc3 when the rebuild was done, and never percolated to
older versions of the distros (unless otherwise noted the
upgrades/additions are for fc2/fc1/rh9):

* dssi version 0.9-1 added
* rosegarden updated to 1.0-1
* liblrdf updated to version 0.4.0 in fc1/rh9
* clalsadrv, clthreads, clxclient (needed for jaaa, aeolus, ams)
* jaaa updated to version 0.2.1-1
* aeolus updated to version 0.3.1-1 (aeolus-stops to 0.1.1-1)
* ams updated to version 1.8.7-2
* gmorgan updated to version 0.24-1
* libmad updated to version 0.15.1b-1
* beast updated to version 0.6.4 in fc2 (fc1 and rh9 versions stay at
  0.6.2, the new beast needs a newer version of glib that is provided in
  the base distro)
* lilypond updated to version 2.4.2-1
* specimen updated to version 0.4.5-1
* terminatorX updated to version 3.82-1
* autotrace updated to version 0.31.1-2
* vkeybd updated to version 0.17-1

More information, as usual, in the online changelog...
-- Fernando

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