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It seems that Pure Data, the real time audio language, has managed to sneak out of the CCRMA repos. I am still trying to figure out SuperCollider, but I managed to build Pd from the website. Now I just cant get it to play nicely with JACK? Anyone know how to setup Pd?<br><br>> From: planetccrma-request@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<br>> Subject: PlanetCCRMA Digest, Vol 31, Issue 5<br>> To: planetccrma@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<br>> Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 12:00:01 -0700<br>> <br>> Send PlanetCCRMA mailing list submissions to<br>>         planetccrma@ccrma.stanford.edu<br>> <br>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit<br>>         http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/planetccrma<br>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to<br>>         planetccrma-request@ccrma.stanford.edu<br>> <br>> You can reach the person managing the list at<br>>         planetccrma-owner@ccrma.stanford.edu<br>> <br>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific<br>> than "Re: Contents of PlanetCCRMA digest..."<br>> <br>> <br>> Today's Topics:<br>> <br>> 1. Re: Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel (Jeff Sandys)<br>> 2. Re: Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel (Bob Wilkinson)<br>> 3. Re: Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel (S C Rigler)<br>> 4. Re: Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel (Bernardo Barros)<br>> 5. Re: Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel (Geoff King)<br>> <br>> <br>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------<br>> <br>> Message: 1<br>> Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 12:28:58 -0700<br>> From: Jeff Sandys <jpsandys@gmail.com><br>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel<br>> To: planetccrma@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<br>> Message-ID:<br>>         <AANLkTi=NvG2q5xQAJ5HxKj5Wj=EjQO57JYR3ycJyfKrD@mail.gmail.com><br>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1<br>> <br>> > From: Geoff King<br>> > Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel.<br>> ><br>> ...<br>> > I used to use and like the akmod system for nvidia drivers. ?It just<br>> > automatically builds the driver for you which is nice. ?It also lets<br>> > you more easily use and switch between different kernels.<br>> ><br>> > What would be nice is what Juan mentioned. ?A patched or new version<br>> > of akmod-nvidia that includes the rt patch that lets it install on rt<br>> > kernels. ?This could make switching kernels a little easier/faster.<br>> ><br>> >> My hope is that RMPFUSION will be able to patch their 'akmod-nvidia'<br>> >> binary so that I will be able to use 'akmods', which are really<br>> >> convenient.<br>> ><br>> > Geoff<br>> <br>> Personally I would use the nouveau drivers that are stock with<br>> fedora 13. Works out of the box, OpenGL works, 3D games<br>> play at decent frame rates. For what do you need the nvidia<br>> driver? Why put up with compile your own with each kernel<br>> roll. Akmods worked fine with F11 and f12, when nouveau<br>> was 2D only. I tried the akmod when I went to f13 but it failed<br>> with the PlanetCCRMA kernel, so I went back to the nouveau<br>> drivers.<br>> <br>> The more people who use nouveau, the more bugs will be<br>> found, the better nouveau will get. Support open source and<br>> use nouveau. I have no problems in everyday use, works on<br>> my 1600x900 laptop, program OpenGL with fluxus, play<br>> TORCS, and my daughter played a window 3D RPG using<br>> WINE with no problems.<br>> <br>> -- Jeff Sandys<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> ------------------------------<br>> <br>> Message: 2<br>> Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 19:34:11 +0000<br>> From: "Bob Wilkinson" <wilkinson.bob@comcast.net><br>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel<br>> To: planetccrma@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<br>> Message-ID:<br>>         <715357092-1283456032-cardhu_decombobulator_blackberry.rim.net-1130492600-@bda031.bisx.prod.on.blackberry><br>>         <br>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"<br>> <br>> Does the noveau driver support multiple monitors from the same card?<br>> <br>> <br>> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile<br>> <br>> -----Original Message-----<br>> From: Jeff Sandys <jpsandys@gmail.com><br>> Sender: planetccrma-bounces@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<br>> Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 12:28:58 <br>> To: <planetccrma@ccrma.Stanford.EDU><br>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel<br>> <br>> > From: Geoff King<br>> > Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel.<br>> ><br>> ...<br>> > I used to use and like the akmod system for nvidia drivers. ?It just<br>> > automatically builds the driver for you which is nice. ?It also lets<br>> > you more easily use and switch between different kernels.<br>> ><br>> > What would be nice is what Juan mentioned. ?A patched or new version<br>> > of akmod-nvidia that includes the rt patch that lets it install on rt<br>> > kernels. ?This could make switching kernels a little easier/faster.<br>> ><br>> >> My hope is that RMPFUSION will be able to patch their 'akmod-nvidia'<br>> >> binary so that I will be able to use 'akmods', which are really<br>> >> convenient.<br>> ><br>> > Geoff<br>> <br>> Personally I would use the nouveau drivers that are stock with<br>> fedora 13. Works out of the box, OpenGL works, 3D games<br>> play at decent frame rates. For what do you need the nvidia<br>> driver? Why put up with compile your own with each kernel<br>> roll. Akmods worked fine with F11 and f12, when nouveau<br>> was 2D only. I tried the akmod when I went to f13 but it failed<br>> with the PlanetCCRMA kernel, so I went back to the nouveau<br>> drivers.<br>> <br>> The more people who use nouveau, the more bugs will be<br>> found, the better nouveau will get. Support open source and<br>> use nouveau. I have no problems in everyday use, works on<br>> my 1600x900 laptop, program OpenGL with fluxus, play<br>> TORCS, and my daughter played a window 3D RPG using<br>> WINE with no problems.<br>> <br>> -- Jeff Sandys<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> PlanetCCRMA mailing list<br>> PlanetCCRMA@ccrma.stanford.edu<br>> http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/planetccrma<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> ------------------------------<br>> <br>> Message: 3<br>> Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 14:59:41 -0500<br>> From: S C Rigler <riglersc@gmail.com><br>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel<br>> To: Jeff Sandys <jpsandys@gmail.com><br>> Cc: planetccrma@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<br>> Message-ID:<br>>         <AANLkTinytnFHKoa5vYrx82FCDaS2uyCN5nRGO1L6PDyd@mail.gmail.com><br>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1<br>> <br>> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 2:28 PM, Jeff Sandys <jpsandys@gmail.com> wrote:<br>> > The more people who use nouveau, the more bugs will be<br>> > found, the better nouveau will get. ?Support open source and<br>> > use nouveau. ?I have no problems in everyday use, works on<br>> > my 1600x900 laptop, program OpenGL with fluxus, play<br>> > TORCS, and my daughter played a window 3D RPG using<br>> > WINE with no problems.<br>> <br>> How well does compositing work on the RT kernel with nouveau? I have<br>> to turn it off on my system with the proprietary driver because abrt<br>> won't stop spamming the screen with crash messages.<br>> <br>> --Steve<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> ------------------------------<br>> <br>> Message: 4<br>> Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 17:18:40 -0300<br>> From: Bernardo Barros <bernardobarros2@gmail.com><br>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel<br>> To: wilkinson.bob@comcast.net<br>> Cc: planetccrma@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<br>> Message-ID:<br>>         <AANLkTimVxYkXrt4e3JLjUVfrrBgedN8zbACEMx9fbYra@mail.gmail.com><br>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8<br>> <br>> No problems here with nouveau and 2 monitors.<br>> use mesa-experimental if you want 3d-acceleration<br>> <br>> 2010/9/2 Bob Wilkinson <wilkinson.bob@comcast.net>:<br>> > Does the noveau driver support multiple monitors from the same card?<br>> ><br>> ><br>> > Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile<br>> ><br>> > -----Original Message-----<br>> > From: Jeff Sandys <jpsandys@gmail.com><br>> > Sender: planetccrma-bounces@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<br>> > Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 12:28:58<br>> > To: <planetccrma@ccrma.Stanford.EDU><br>> > Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel<br>> ><br>> >> From: Geoff King<br>> >> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel.<br>> >><br>> > ...<br>> >> I used to use and like the akmod system for nvidia drivers. ?It just<br>> >> automatically builds the driver for you which is nice. ?It also lets<br>> >> you more easily use and switch between different kernels.<br>> >><br>> >> What would be nice is what Juan mentioned. ?A patched or new version<br>> >> of akmod-nvidia that includes the rt patch that lets it install on rt<br>> >> kernels. ?This could make switching kernels a little easier/faster.<br>> >><br>> >>> My hope is that RMPFUSION will be able to patch their 'akmod-nvidia'<br>> >>> binary so that I will be able to use 'akmods', which are really<br>> >>> convenient.<br>> >><br>> >> Geoff<br>> ><br>> > Personally I would use the nouveau drivers that are stock with<br>> > fedora 13. ?Works out of the box, OpenGL works, 3D games<br>> > play at decent frame rates. ?For what do you need the nvidia<br>> > driver? ?Why put up with compile your own with each kernel<br>> > roll. ?Akmods worked fine with F11 and f12, when nouveau<br>> > was 2D only. ?I tried the akmod when I went to f13 but it failed<br>> > with the PlanetCCRMA kernel, so I went back to the nouveau<br>> > drivers.<br>> ><br>> > The more people who use nouveau, the more bugs will be<br>> > found, the better nouveau will get. ?Support open source and<br>> > use nouveau. ?I have no problems in everyday use, works on<br>> > my 1600x900 laptop, program OpenGL with fluxus, play<br>> > TORCS, and my daughter played a window 3D RPG using<br>> > WINE with no problems.<br>> ><br>> > -- Jeff Sandys<br>> ><br>> > _______________________________________________<br>> > PlanetCCRMA mailing list<br>> > PlanetCCRMA@ccrma.stanford.edu<br>> > http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/planetccrma<br>> ><br>> > _______________________________________________<br>> > PlanetCCRMA mailing list<br>> > PlanetCCRMA@ccrma.stanford.edu<br>> > http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/planetccrma<br>> ><br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> ------------------------------<br>> <br>> Message: 5<br>> Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2010 22:30:56 -0400<br>> From: Geoff King <gsking1@gmail.com><br>> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel<br>> To: Jeff Sandys <jpsandys@gmail.com><br>> Cc: planetccrma@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<br>> Message-ID: <1283481056.26783.22.camel@blaster><br>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"<br>> <br>> I'm glad that some people are using Nouveau and it is working well. I<br>> would like to also, but it does not work with my system. I've tried to<br>> get it fixed (mostly through the Ubuntu forums here:<br>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/+bug/538275<br>> <br>> The same issue exists in Fedora 12 and 13. I'm content to wait on this<br>> one and will probably try again with FC14 and Ubuntu Maverick. <br>> Regards, Geoff<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 12:28 -0700, Jeff Sandys wrote:<br>> > > From: Geoff King<br>> > > Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia driver with the ccrma rt-kernel.<br>> > ><br>> > ...<br>> > > I used to use and like the akmod system for nvidia drivers. It just<br>> > > automatically builds the driver for you which is nice. It also lets<br>> > > you more easily use and switch between different kernels.<br>> > ><br>> > > What would be nice is what Juan mentioned. A patched or new version<br>> > > of akmod-nvidia that includes the rt patch that lets it install on rt<br>> > > kernels. This could make switching kernels a little easier/faster.<br>> > ><br>> > >> My hope is that RMPFUSION will be able to patch their 'akmod-nvidia'<br>> > >> binary so that I will be able to use 'akmods', which are really<br>> > >> convenient.<br>> > ><br>> > > Geoff<br>> > <br>> > Personally I would use the nouveau drivers that are stock with<br>> > fedora 13. Works out of the box, OpenGL works, 3D games<br>> > play at decent frame rates. For what do you need the nvidia<br>> > driver? Why put up with compile your own with each kernel<br>> > roll. Akmods worked fine with F11 and f12, when nouveau<br>> > was 2D only. I tried the akmod when I went to f13 but it failed<br>> > with the PlanetCCRMA kernel, so I went back to the nouveau<br>> > drivers.<br>> > <br>> > The more people who use nouveau, the more bugs will be<br>> > found, the better nouveau will get. Support open source and<br>> > use nouveau. I have no problems in everyday use, works on<br>> > my 1600x900 laptop, program OpenGL with fluxus, play<br>> > TORCS, and my daughter played a window 3D RPG using<br>> > WINE with no problems.<br>> > <br>> > -- Jeff Sandys<br>> > <br>> > _______________________________________________<br>> > PlanetCCRMA mailing list<br>> > PlanetCCRMA@ccrma.stanford.edu<br>> > http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/planetccrma<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> ------------------------------<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> PlanetCCRMA mailing list<br>> PlanetCCRMA@ccrma.stanford.edu<br>> http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/planetccrma<br>> <br>> <br>> End of PlanetCCRMA Digest, Vol 31, Issue 5<br>> ******************************************<br>                                            </body>