Hi<br><br>I hope this isn't a dumb question, I would have checked the mailing list archives but they don't seem to be searchable.<br><br>I installed the CCRMA GEM package but when I try to run pd -lib Gem I get the following message in my pd console:
<br><br>/usr/lib/pd/extra/Gem/Gem.pd<div id="mb_0">_linux: /usr/lib/libaviplayavcodec-
0.7.so.0: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied<br>Gem: can't load library</div><br>I'm just wondering if anyone can nudge me in the direction of the solution (I've already tried changin the permission on the file and the parent folder as well as trying to execute as root hoping it was a simple permission problem but I guess my knowledge is still too limited in the linux side since none of those things seemed to change the error message lol)