Hi All,<br><br>I have a question regarding using ladspa plugins with ecasound, specifically the tap_equalizer plugin:<br><br>I'm using the ecasound control interface within a c program. I have generated pink noise using the tap_pinknoise plugin and now I want to eq the noise with tap_equalizer. The problem is I don't know what the parameters for the tap_equalizer are. i can't find the documentation.<br>My code is below:<br><br> //pink noise <br> eci_command("c-add pink1");<br> eci_command("ai-add null");<br> eci_command("ao-add jack_generic,pink1");<br> eci_command("cop-add -el:tap_pinknoise");<br><br> //pink noise eq<br> eci_command("cop-add -el:tap_equalizer");<br> eci_command("copp-select 7");<br> eci_command_float_arg("copp-set",100);<br><br>I guessed at the parameter 7 and its value (100) and I do hear some difference so I know its there but I don't know exactly which parameter it is. Is
there a document for tap_equalizer that says "parameter 1 is band 1 gain, parameter 2 is band 1 frequency" etc?<br><br>Thanks a lot!<br><p> 
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