<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:12pt"><div>Hi all,<br>I'm having some issues with ZynAddSubFX. The biggest problem is it's lack of program change capability. While I see the code is partially implemented within ZynAddSubFX, the routine for Program Changes tells it to skip the info. So, with that being, I've been asking around on a few lists if there would be the possibility of writing a routine within ZynAddSubFX to implement Program Changes within a bank. It would be nice. I'm told that because Zyn is a real time synth, it wouldn't be possible without stopping the sound first...<br><br>Upon scouring the internet for other possible solutions, I saw that some where using a "rack" to run multiple instances of one synth that was preloaded with a patch (in Zyn's case, you can load 16 patches, one per channel)<br><br>Is there any such thing available for Planet CCRMA? A
rack of sorts that you could switch multiple instances of ZynAddSubFX (or any other synth that lacks program changes...)<br><br>Any suggestions? It seems I can't convince Paul Nasca to add the routine.... and nobody out at Google Summer of Code has responded either. comp.os.lang.c++ says the code isn't even valid c++, because the routines are written for g++. This is all kind of frustrating, and hinders my ability to use ZynAddSubFX to it's fullest potential.<br><br>Any thoughts / comments / imporvements / ideas welcomed...<br><br>-NexxuSix<br></div></div><br>
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