Hi All,<br><br>I use Fedora Core 5 (2.6.16-1.2080.16.rrt.rhfc5.ccrmasmp) with an M-Audio Delta 1010 and most often use jack + ardour for my audio workstation. Its been while since I've recorded anything, though I play back audio every day. Anyway... today when I went to record I found that there are no alsa_pcm readable clients in Jack patch bay. This has never happened to me before. When I try to record something with Audacity (without Jack) I get the same problem; no input options. Audacity records silence without complaining.<br>Nothing looks out of order with Envy24Control or command line alsamixer.<br>Does anyone have advice about what might be happening and how to fix it?<br>I know for sure its not Hardware related.<br>Thanks!<br><p> 
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