Hello,<br><br>Nvidia and madwifi drivers from livna rebuild against fc7 ccrma-rt. I haven't tested madwifi yet, but the build is clean. <br><br>Nvidia drivers seem to work for most x11 needs, but opengl apps like celestia are wonky with both X11/nv and nvidia proprietary on my system, and crash the x server (immediately with proprietary, after time with x11), with the rt kernel (livna nvidia w/ standard fedora works fine) -- I'll be testing on other systems with nvidia to see if it's just the one card... perhaps there's a patch that can be applied.
<br><br>Livna kmod-ntfs rebuilds with a patch (I copied it into a previous post), but as another ccrma user posted recently, it looks like ntfs-3g is taking over? It seems to come standard with fc7. I don't see kmod-fglrx yet -- might exist on a different repo or under a different name.
<br><br><br>Also, what is going on with yum!? It's SO much faster than in fc5 and fc6, at least over here.<br><br><br>Matt<br><br><br>