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I'd like to thank Matt again for the instructions below. I only now
came to<br>
trying them and finally got kmod-nvidia-legacy to work on ccrma/fc6!<br>
Matt Barber<a href="mailto:brbrofsvl%40gmail.com"
title="[PlanetCCRMA] kmod-ntfs"></a><br>
<i>Sun May 20 13:09:03 2007</i>
<pre>You have to hack the spec file, and there are only a couple of things that
need to be changed for nvidia --
substitute your current ccrma kernel name ( output of uname -r ) for the
fedora kernel in kversion definition. Mine looks like this:
%{!?kversion: %define kversion 2.6.21-0143.rt1.3.fc6.ccrmart}
in the kvariants definition line, remove all of the variants except
%{?upvar} -- since you're not building variants for a xen kernel (etc...).
my line looks like this:
%{!?kvariants: %define kvariants %{?upvar}}
I usually delete all the corresponding preceding definitions as well,
leaving only
%define upvar ""
write it, and then
rpmbuild -ba --target i686 nvidia-kmod.spec
(this will make both the module and a .src.rpm for you to use later if you