I'm new to this mailing list, new to linux, and trying to install planet CCRMA. I am an advanced Windows user.<br>
I've followed the steps on the CCRMA website to install Fedora 6, I've
upgraded Fedora 6, and everything has gone relatively smoothly up to
now. I'm getting the following error:<br>
[root@localhost benb]# yum install planetccrma-coreLoading "installonlyn" plugin<br>
Setting up Install Process<br>
Setting up repositories<br>
core 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00 <br>
planetcore 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00 <br>
planetextras 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00 <br>
planetccrma 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00 <br>
updates 100% |=========================| 1.2 kB 00:00 <br>
extras 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00 <br>
Reading repository metadata in from local files<br>
primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 64 kB 00:31 <br>
<a href="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/extras/6/i386/repodata/primary.xml.gz">http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/extras/6/i386/repodata/primary.xml.gz</a>:
[Errno 4] Socket Error: timed out<br>
Trying other mirror.<br>
Error: failure: repodata/primary.xml.gz from planetextras: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.<br>
[root@localhost benb]# <br>
Any ideas? Workarounds?<br>
Thanks in advance!<br>
Ben Blechman