<p>So I decided to try out the bleeding edge of audio OSS and UI candy: FC6 with the new CCRMA packages, all running in the snazzy Compiz GL desktop. Yes, I am crazy, and I am aware that all this is very very cutting edge and thus very risky.</p>
<p>After following 'Nando's instructions in <a href="http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/pipermail/planetccrmanews/2006-November/000047.html" target="_top" rel="nofollow">this post</a>, <i>including the bottom part</i>, I was able to get JACK and (drum roll) Ardour2 running without any xruns on my Delta 1010LT. </p>
<p>After installing the nVidia modules from linva according to <a href="http://stanton-finley.net/fedora_core_5_installation_notes.html#nVidia" target="_top" rel="nofollow">this guide</a>, I tried to <b>System > Preferences > Desktop Effects > Enable desktop effects</b> only to have some very strange bugs crawl all over my X server! A bit of xorg.conf hacking and I tried again: beautiful! I can now place Ardour2 editor on one side of my cube, qjackctl on another, Hydrogen on another, Ardour mixer and Envy24Control on another . . . then make them transparent and switch them in all sorts of fancy 3d ways. </p>
<p>Some may say this is useless eye candy, but it is actually very useful and functional, especially on Planet CCRMA, where we have a surplus of simultaneous windows and mixers and panels OH MY! I expected all sorts of problems with realtime, xruns, interface crapouts, etc. There seems to be NONE! Everything works great.</p>
<p>This may be the straw that breaks the camel's back: I can imagine many Macheads seeing Ardour2 translucently spanned across several sides of a 3D cube, saying "WTF? I can run this on my MacBook Pro?! What the HELL am I doing with ProFools and OSex? WHAT? It's all FREE? GIMME GIMME!"</p>
<p>If anyone wants to try this and needs help with Compiz, nVidia and xorg.conf, reply or email me. </p>
<p>Here's a preliminary <a href="http://www.sumerianbabyl.com/images/myface/compiz2.png" target="_top" rel="nofollow">screenshot</a> of this crazyness!</p>
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View this message in context: <a href="http://www.nabble.com/FC6%2C-Planet-CCRMA%2C-nVidia%2C-Compiz-.-.-.--blink%21--seems-to-work%21-tf2961904.html#a8286923">FC6, Planet CCRMA, nVidia, Compiz . . . [blink!] seems to work!</a><br>
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