I have made some progress in getting my new planetccrma installation on my new HP dv8000 laptop.<br><br>First of all, I had all sorts of problems with things not compiling right with kernel 2.6.16 smp rdt. Today I installed
2.6.16-1.2080.16.rrt.rhfc5.ccrmasmp and many things now work, among which the nvidia 3D driver.<br><br>Now today's problem: I need ndiswrapper for my builtin wireless card. Unfortunately, 'make' stalls with the following message:
<br><br>"*** Warning: "there_is_ni_init_MUTEX_LOCKED_for_RT_semaphores" [/tmp/ndiswrapper-1.21/driver/ndiswrapper.ko] undefined!"<br><br>I have no idea what that means. I tried searching the net and I didn't really understand any of the threads but they mostly seemed to bear relation to pre-emption patches.
<br><br>Can anyone enlighten me where I should look in order to find a solution? Better still, is anyone successfully using ndiswrapper with this kernel?<br><br>Cheers.<br><br>- martin<br>