check however before buying first; no all firewire interfaces will be supported, most notoriously, RME devices will not. Only Bebob based interfaces for now. The freebob pages has a device list that are/will be supported<BR><BR><B><I></I></B> escribió: <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Thanks, Charlls. I think firewire is a superior interface, I just <BR>didn't think there was any support for it on Linux yet.<BR><BR>Cheers,<BR><BR>Peter<BR><BR>> <BR>> Since the freebob backend was just commited to jack cvs, I <BR>would begin to consider seriously a firewire interface for <BR>linux. usb audio is in general not very reliable, with the <BR>exception of the least demanding usages, so it would be <BR>dependant on your usage, so, it wouldn't work "really well"<BR>> <BR>> escribió:<BR>> Hi,<BR>> <BR>> I want to get a laptop and use a usb sound
card to do CD <BR>quality <BR>> sound. (maybe single input, maybe more, not sure...) Also a usb <BR>> midi interface.<BR>> <BR>> Is there anyone using a laptop/external sound combination that <BR>> works really well that would recommend it?<BR>> <BR>> On the other hand is there any laptop with decent on board <BR>sound, <BR>> or is the usb solution the only route?<BR>> <BR>> Any and all advice welcome.<BR>> <BR>> Cheers,<BR>> <BR>> Peter<BR>> <BR>> _______________________________________________<BR>> PlanetCCRMA mailing list<BR>><BR>><BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> ---------------------------------<BR>> 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam<BR>> Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo web del mundo<BR>> Abrí tu cuenta aquí<BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><p>
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