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<TITLE>RE: [PlanetCCRMA] SB Live (ca0106) and hundreds of xrun messages</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Sorry... I guess I was a bit negative in my last post, but I've only been frustrated with this card. Currently living and working in Indonesia, all the shops only seem to be stocking this card at the moment, so I bought one. Yeah, it's cheap for a card that claims such specs and I would have been happy with a clean 2channel 16bit card, really. I'd be willing to pay more, but I just don't have access to any better hardware on the market here in Indonesia, and customs will charge me triple if I import one from abroad.<BR>
At one time I did get it to work in 2-channel playback only. Recently, I had to do a re-install of FC3 and the Planet (don't ask...) and now it doesn't work at all, and I get very cryptic low-level errors. Who knows? the card may just be a faulty piece of hardware? I may try a new install, but I think I am going to look around for a better supported sound card first.<BR>
If you get capture working, please post as I could never get this to work with this card. I think you may be concerned about this as well. Have you tried capturing any input?<BR>
I've posted all my configuration and errors to this list. Fernando thought everything looked correct. I've since given up on this card, but I'll try to find time to have another go at it again.<BR>
Anyway, It is good to hear someone got this card working (for playback). Capture is your next challenge! Good work.<BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: David Slimp [<A HREF="mailto:rock808@gmail.com">mailto:rock808@gmail.com</A>]<BR>
Sent: Thu 2/9/2006 2:28 AM<BR>
To: planetccrma@ccrma.stanford.edu<BR>
Cc: greg mccourt<BR>
Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] SB Live (ca0106) and hundreds of xrun messages<BR>
Hmmm.. Well, I just said in the last message<BR>
that I DID get it to work.<BR>
I'm not sure exactly how well yet... or to what<BR>
extent, but I am able to run qjackctl, hydrogen, qsynth, and ardour<BR>
I still have more testing to do... being a $30 card I don't<BR>
expect much out of it. I'll report back with my findings.<BR>
Have you tried making the changes (settings) I mentioned<BR>
in the last post? I think the BIGGEST factor was setting<BR>
the Audio setting to "Playback only".... rather than "Duplex".<BR>
I don't know how this will end up affecting me, but haven't<BR>
noticed anything in the last 8 hours.<BR>
What are settings are YOU using ?<BR>
On 2/8/06, greg mccourt <greg.mccourt@ef.com> wrote:<BR>
> Hi. I bought the same card. It sucks! I've had the same problems you are<BR>
> experiencing and more. No solutions. I don't think Fernando should be<BR>
> chasing after Creative SB inconsistancies---the community really needs to<BR>
> send them the message that we won't buy their products unless they can<BR>
> deliver quality consistant products. I'll trade my new SB 7.1s for an older<BR>
> SB Live Value! At least the later works...<BR>
> DON'T BUY A SB 7.1! I don't know why Alsa claims it's supported because<BR>
> I've bought two and neither work under Planet or any Alsa driver i've tried.<BR>
> Jack just pukes at it.<BR>
> -----Original Message-----<BR>
> From: planetccrma-admin@ccrma.Stanford.EDU on behalf of<BR>
> David Slimp<BR>
> Sent: Wed 2/8/2006 12:39 PM<BR>
> To: planetccrma@ccrma.Stanford.EDU<BR>
> Cc: Fernando Lopez-Lezcano<BR>
> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] SB Live (ca0106) and hundreds of xrun messages<BR>
> Thanks, Fernando...<BR>
> I think I had several issues (and still may have more soon),<BR>
> but your suggestions got me to try a few more things.<BR>
> I finally ended up with qjackctl settings of<BR>
> Frames/Period = 512<BR>
> Sample Rate = 48000<BR>
> Periods/Buffer = 3<BR>
> Audio = Playback only (BIGGEST FACTOR)<BR>
> giving me a latency of 32msec<BR>
> and qjackctl messages like:<BR>
> load = 6.4089 max usecs: 682.000, spare = 9984.000<BR>
> I have no idea if this is good or not, but at least I'm now<BR>
> able to play a song with hydrogen and use my external<BR>
> midi keyboard and qsynth.<BR>
> I'm now mostly worried what the "playback only"<BR>
> is going to mean for me.<BR>
> Next test will be to see what I can do with ardour,<BR>
> and rosegarden (which I've never been able to get<BR>
> working due to "rosegarden can't start sequencer").<BR>
> thanks again,<BR>
> David<BR>