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Hi all, <br>
First let me thank each and everyone of you for your posts, I have been
using the ccrma builds for about a year and a half , and all of your
posts have been a fountain of knowledge. (mightily tipping my hat to
Fernando , of course.)<br>
Ok I have <u><b>had</b></u> a very stable install of FC4 ( had been
using kernel-smp2.16.12-0.21.rdt.rhfc4.ccrma-smp excuse me if I
correctly named the kernel package , but that is the kernel version
anyway) <br>
all had been fine - jack runing beautifully - up to four hours
recording solidly - in ardour - no xruns - no instability at all. -
good for several months - that is up untill about a week ago. <br>
After a recent update using apt-get , the system boots no problem,
gnome starts fanstastically, then when I use any application ( ANY)
after about 5 minutes the system locks completely, no alt login using
it is a complete system freeze. I can't even ssh into it . nothing
works at all <br>
Let me reiterate - it worked flawlessley on that kernel for about 2
months - maybe 3 . never had an issue at all. <br>
I can boot and stay stable using original RHFC4 kernel - ( but no real
time, no user run jack etc. so useless to me now.)<br>
Any tips to point me in the right direction - shy of a complete rebuild
and limited update- to maintain stable state. <br>
(using linux since around 1997 - so adept,but no wiz or guru,
definately not a programmer)<br>
The more I work on it , the more I feel I will have to do a system
re-install. - <br>
I don't want to do that again if I really don't have to. <br>
system as follows - it is a dedicated linux only DAW.<br>
motherboard abit vt7 (via pt880 chipset)<br>
intel P4 3.0 ghz - <br>
2 gig ram ( hyperthreaded enabled on bios) - has always been<br>
2x250gig HDDs ata133 + 1x150 gig hdd sata150<br>
Maudio 1010LT - (fantastic)<br>
ati (radeon 7000 - AGP) been very stable - I don't want/need 3d
FC4 - install always defaulted to smp kernel install - so I assumed the
SMPccrma was the right way to go (???)<br>
Thanks very much for any assitance at all. <br>
ps, was unsure of what got updated since there we so many packages (
great help eh?sorry)<br>
Also - are the CCRMA repositories down today - I am not able to reach
any to install test kernels. ??<br>
Thanks again - I hope I have provided sufficient info.<br>
Matt <br>