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ahoy all,<br>
lemme say that i have found various posts on the planet about getting
midi working with an sblive pci... its an fc3 setup with latest kernel
and the following asound info:<br>
<small><font face="Courier New, Courier, monospace">$ cat
0 [Live ]: EMU10K1 - Sound Blaster Live!<br>
Sound Blaster Live! (rev.5, serial:0x80221102) at
0x1440, irq 10</font></small><br>
i have been playing/recording pcm no problem with ardour, rosegarden,
jack, xmms, etc.. however, ive been trying for a few days to get the
midi working.. this includes simply playing a midi file... the weird
thing is i believe that midi is working: i can play a midi file using
pmidi, or connect virtual keyoard to rosegarden via qjackctl and see
the little red bar on the rosegarden track glow when i press a key in
vkybrd, or use vkybrd to drive amSynth which shows the active voice
count working... i think everything is ok, just no sound with midi:
ever. ive tried to load various soundfont files with sfxload (or let
rosegarden do it on startup), but still no luck...<br>
i feel like im missing something very basic getting midi working on
the sblive! please, i would appreciate any help on solving this
thanks, wayne<br>