Hi there, It's been a while since I wrote something down here, wich I guess it's a really good thing. I'm currently on FC3, and am quite happy with performance. My first attempts at trying to get Ardour to fail or get critical have been amazing. Playing 16 tracks while recording another 8, no Xruns (256 buffer), great improvements from previous kernels, although I did not quantify this. It just feels a lot more stable. I guess this is kernel/alsa and also Ardour/Jack related. Anyway, it's great! Thanks to all, especially Fernando and all the developers (too many to mention, you know who you are). After 3 or so years, I do believe it's getting to be serious for the day job. I have currently two issues: 1 - What about the menu entries for FC3? I get crazy sometimes with the menus changing or disappearing (why?) If I create menu entries, where are they saved? 2 - VST --> I know Fernando you don't want to mess with this right now, but do you plan something in the near future? (maybe some rpm's off the list?) Cheers, Carlos ----------------------------------- Chegou o Clix Turbo ADSL a 8 Megas Internet + Telefone sem assinatura telefónica Saiba mais em http://adsl.clix.pt