[PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA repo problem

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Dec 7 10:26:55 PST 2019

On 12/4/19 1:48 PM, Frank Sergi wrote:
> Installed new fedora os 31. Installed ccrma repo by installing  rpm 
> according to instructions yum install ccrma etc. But dnf install 
> ccrma-core reports ccrma-core not found although ccrma is showing as a 
> repository.

Hi Frank, sorry for the delay in answering, the message was stuck in a 
moderation queue and I did not notice immediately... (you should always 
post to planetccrma at ccrma, not planetccrmanews at ccrma).

Anyway, sorry again, not your fault, I have not built the RT patched 
kernel (and related packages) for Fedora 31 yet. Well, this is good 
reminder so I will do that as soon as I have a moment.

In fact I have to get back to building for 31... (I only did a few packages)

Thanks for the feedback!
-- Fernando

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