[PlanetCCRMA] RT-Kernel resolved my problem. Thank you Nando

Fabio De Sanctis De Benedictis fdesanctis at teletu.it
Wed Oct 17 08:56:34 PDT 2018

Hi All,

Just for log: I have updated my desktop AMD dual core computer to
Fedora 28, and I had a crackling audio, without being able to resolve
the problem. I have googled a lot, tested many settings (pulseaudio
config files and so on) going literally crazy, changed internal audio
and graphical card slot, tested different configuration in electric
cables, asked about help on Facebook and Ask Fedora, and I was going to
send a mail to this list.

Then I have remebered I could install the 4.16.18-
300.rt11.1.fc28.ccrma.x86_64+rt kernel, and everything has gone good.
The only thing I can observe is a little more charge for CPU respect to
Fedora kernel (if anyone has some suggestion to reduce it is welcome!).

So, finally, big thanks to Nando for his work and competence.

Ad maiora, thank you very much

Fabio De Sanctis De Benedictis


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