[PlanetCCRMA] apple thunderbolt 2 to fw800 adapter

Juan I Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Aug 29 16:22:36 PDT 2018

Turns out that the ThinkPad W540 has an unusual chipset or controller
for the Thunderbolt Bus, not supported in Linux (Thanks for your
research and response Adam).

But the Thunderbolt-2 to firewire 800 adapter works on other ThinkPads,
and other laptops with Thunderbolt-2. There is a thunderbolt module on
4.x Kernels.

Good news is that USB-C-Thunderbolt-3 seems to be supported on newer
laptops. Just need to be aware of granting levels of security, since
thunderbolt is an extension of pci-e. There are drivers and utilities 
thunderbolt-3, though not thunderbolt-2.

But, question remains: will FireWire work daisy chaining Thunderbolt
adapters from 3-to-2-to-FireWire. People have reported success on qpple

   -- Juan

> Have read that Qpple Thunderbolt-2 to firewire 800 adapter works on
> kernels like 4.17.x.x.
> However, I have not been able to get it working on a ThinkPad W540
> which has a Thunderbolt-2 port.
> The adapter gets recognized but it doesn't go beyond the system
> peripheral part (Thunderbolt NHI).
> The adapter tested OK on windoze.
> Do any additional libraries or modules need to be installed?.
> Anyone using this kind of set up?.

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