[PlanetCCRMA] Planet CCRMA for Fedora 26

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Sep 12 09:37:43 PDT 2017

On 09/07/2017 01:54 PM, Yoann LE BARS wrote:
> Hello everybody out there!
> On 07/15/2017 at 07:41, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>>     Is it possible to have an idea of when Planet CCRAM will be available
>>> for Fedora 26?
>> Sorry, busy busy on many projects, I do not have a timeline yet. Maybe I
>> will try to start work next week...
> 	Is it possible to have an update on progresses?

Hi, I built a new kernel for fc26 on Sunday, but it has the same problem 
as the previous one on my fc26 test laptop. Maybe just on this hardware? 
Sorry, very busy and impossible to find time to more testing and debugging.

So... I decided to release it anyway, only for good sports. Let me know 
if you test it and what happens. I'll hopefully add a planetcore 
meta-package later today, for now just the RT patched kernel packages 
(based on 4.11.x and rt13, the latest).

Enjoy (if you can!)
-- Fernando

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