[PlanetCCRMA] [PlanetCCRMANews] fedora 27: kernel-rt and supercollider

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Dec 22 11:02:23 PST 2017

On 12/21/2017 03:24 PM, Yoann LE BARS wrote:
> Hello everybody out there!
> On 12/21/12/2017  08:04 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>> Sorry for the inconvenience!
> 	Well, as you do not have any NVidia GPU, there is no way you could have
> known about this issue without someone to keep you informed.

(I do have some NVidia cards but none in machines where I can test this 

> I will keep on following up.

I released a patched kernel last night, give it a try when you can.
-- Fernando

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