[PlanetCCRMA] cant install Planet CCRMA- wrong repo?

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Dec 9 11:48:00 PST 2016

On 12/08/2016 01:56 PM, Alan Brooker wrote:
> Greetings,

Hi Alan
(planetccrmanews is only for announcements, you can't post there!)

> I am hoping for some advice, I have a fresh install of Fedora 25 (a new
> to Fedora) and I have been trying to install Planet CCRMA software but
> if I try to install software I get these error messages:

Sorry, Planet CCRMA has not been rebuilt yet for Fedora 25...

> yum install supercollider-world
> Redirecting to '/usr/bin/dnf install supercollider-world' (see 'man
> yum2dnf')
> Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'planetcore', disabling.
> Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'planetccrma', disabling.
> Last metadata expiration check: 1:42:11 ago on Thu Dec  8 19:54:56 2016.
> No package supercollider-world available.
> Error: Unable to find a match.
> I see there is no repo for Fedora 25 on the website- but I assumed the
> repos would still be backward compatible ? Thank you for any advice-
> much appreciated.

It might be backwards compatible but I have no idea. By default the 
repositories will look for packages built for the running version of 
Fedora. Packages built for older versions may have library compatibility 
problems (and who knows what else).

This is what I wrote a few days ago:

On 12/01/2016 02:54 PM, Elliott Chapin wrote:
> Thx, also F. Waiting for F25 repo's :)

Yes, I imagine so...

I'm really trying this time to switch my whole build environment to Koji 
(I'm still running a plague build environment I set up around 2004/5, I 
think). It is a big and complex system. So far so good, I now have to 
start populating what they call tags for different releases, setting up 
the repositories for each, etc, etc.

Thanks for your patience...
-- Fernando

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