[PlanetCCRMA] nvidia driver working

Oded Ben-Tal oded at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Apr 19 08:46:57 PDT 2015

Resurrecting an old(ish) thread here. I was finally able to get nvidia working
on the T410 Thinkpad (a refurbished one I got last month). I couldn't get
akmod to work at first but have finally been able to solve the issues. In case
this is of use to anyone:
I used the info in
to blacklist the nouveau drivers. 
It turns out I had to use akmod-304xx instead of akmod 
I also ended up installing xorg-x11-server-devel and akmod-304xx-devel packages. 
I was then able to boot into the kernel with nvidia working. 
That somehow disrupted the wifi. fortunately a yum update sorted that out. I
was also able to get the ccrma rt kernel working, though very lightly tested
so far. 

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