[PlanetCCRMA] Broken dependency with planetccrma-core on Fedora 21?

Nils Tonnätt nils.tonnaett at gmx.net
Sat Apr 4 00:34:48 PDT 2015

'yum clean' all did it. Thank you, Fernando.

-- Nils

Am 04.04.2015 um 08:16 schrieb Michael J. Wilson:
> I just did a "yum clean all" and then was able to install
> planetccrma-core (version 2015.04.02-1.fc21.ccrma) with no problems.  So
> it looks like the fix worked for me.
> Thanks,
> Michael Wilson
> On 04/04/2015 09:18 AM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>> On 04/03/2015 04:24 PM, Nils Tonnätt wrote:
>>> Sorry, I thought installation works but yum installed an old version of
>>> planetccrma-core. That's weird behaviour. Why isn't it choosing the most
>>> recent version? When I do yum upgrade it tries to install version
>>> 2015.3.22.
>> Maybe do a "yum clean all" before?
>> Just in case I'm recreating the planetcore repository metadata again...
>> -- Fernando
>>> Am 03.04.2015 um 22:36 schrieb Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
>>>> On 04/01/2015 02:38 AM, Nils Tonnätt wrote:
>>>>> After removing kernel-rt and planetccrma-core and reinstall kernel-rt
>>>>> the new kernel gets installed. But planetccrma-core has a dependency
>>>>> problem.
>>>>> Fehler: Paket: planetccrma-core-2015.03.22-1.fc21.ccrma.x86_64
>>>>> (planetcore)
>>>>>                Benötigt: kernel-rt-3.18.9-201.rt5.1.fc21.ccrma
>>>>> Maybe the architecture is missing?
>>>> I tried naming the dependency differently and it looks the new
>>>> packages work fine, let me know...
>>>> -- Fernando
>>>>> Am 31.03.2015 um 20:00 schrieb Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
>>>>>> On 03/31/2015 08:34 AM, Michael J. Wilson wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> When updating my system today I observed the following dependency
>>>>>>> issue:
>>>>>>> Error: Package: planetccrma-core-2015.03.22-1.fc21.ccrma.x86_64
>>>>>>> (planetcore)
>>>>>>>                Requires: kernel-rt-3.18.9-201.rt5.1.fc21.ccrma
>>>>>> Which is weird because that package exists in the repository.
>>>>>>> I removed the planetccrma-core package and updated again, and
>>>>>>> kernel-rt-core was installed.  Maybe package renaming caused the
>>>>>>> issue?
>>>>>>>      Is planetccrma-core not the recommended way to pull in
>>>>>>> dependencies
>>>>>>> anymore?
>>>>>> Should be...
>>>>>>> In any event, I'm leaving planetccrma-core uninstalled for now.
>>>>>> If you remove the old planetccrma-core and reinstall it it should
>>>>>> install all dependencies and be fine afterwards. I'm still trying to
>>>>>> figure out why this is happening (the packaging for the kernel in fc21
>>>>>> changed and so did the dependencies, I thought I had fixed this).
>>>>>> Anyway, I've been running 3.18*rt* for a bit and seems solid so far
>>>>>> (and
>>>>>> probably as I type this computers start crashing left and right to
>>>>>> disprove it :-)
>>>>>> Thanks for the report!
>>>>>> -- Fernando
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