[PlanetCCRMA] CentOS

Ljubomir Ljubojevic centos at plnet.rs
Mon Oct 13 05:21:06 PDT 2014

>On 03/01/2014 03:43 AM, Agustin Saravia wrote:
>> Hello, everybody.
>> I am planning on installing a Linux distribution on another computer
>to gear up a music workstation. My concerns with Fedora 19/20 is
>stability. Is CentOs still supported by Planet C.C.R.M.A.? Would
>CentOS 6.3 be fine with repositories since they are Red Hat compatible?
>Hi Agustín,
>Regretfully there are no Planet CCRMA repositories for Centos 6.x. >There
>used to be one for 5.x (Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale from IRCAM took care of >
>but it has not been maintained for a very long time so it is, I >presume,
>worthless. I know it would be great to support CentOS but I don't have
>the time for doing that (we don't use Centos 6.x in our workstations).
>-- Fernando

Hi Fernando.

Is it possible to recompile it for CentOS 7 since CentOS 7 is derived
from Fedora 19? Many packages from Fedora 19 works as is on CentOS 7,
only those where packages for Fedora 19 gone forward(newer) can create

It would only take one VPS with CentOS 7 to recompile Fedora 19 packages on.

If you need help or working VPS please say so and I will see what I can
do with CentOS Project devs. Maybe even SiG/Variant can be formed to
help you with anything you need.

CentOS 7 will be around till 2024 so having RT kernel and audio packages
would be excellent and it should not take too much time to maintain
(CentOS packages do not change that much).

Ljubomir Ljubojevic
(Love is in the Air)
PL Computers
Serbia, Europe

StarOS, Mikrotik and CentOS/RHEL/Linux consultant

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