[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora 21/arm7

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Nov 22 06:19:47 PST 2014

On 11/16/2014 05:32 PM, Tobias Brodel wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Tobias,

> I'm doing an internship in the Audiokinetic Research lab at my
> university next semester and plan to
> do some work with embedded ARM boards. Fedora 21 will be the first
> release to support many
> armv7 boards as an official target architecture so I'd like to offer my
> help in packaging
> Planet CCRMA for F21 and hopefully make a successful port of as many of
> the applications as
> possible to ARM.
> Is anyone currently working on Planet CCRMA for F21? If so, what's the
> best way for me to contribute?

I have not started to work on F21 yet. I will probably wait till the 
official release happens (I have been and will be for a while very 
busy). Most of the important audio packages are now in Fedora, so maybe 
you should post also to the Fedora Music list and see how you can help 

(I believe ARM became an official architecture in FC20... but maybe it 
will support more boards now)

-- Fernando

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