[PlanetCCRMA] 3.8.13-201.rt8 also builds and runs very smoothly on fc19 alpha

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Jun 24 12:34:30 PDT 2013

On 05/19/2013 03:23 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On 05/19/2013 11:37 AM, Simon Lewis wrote:
>> Nice work Fernando, I've never known the rt kernel to be so good...

Just updated to 3.8.13-rt12 on fc18, (soon in planetcore-testing for 
fc17 as well)
-- Fernando

> Thanks, but all the credit goes to the rt kernel gurus that brings us
> the rt patch (I'm cc'ing the rt list, kudos to all!). I have not seen a
> better kernel for audio work in a long time. Good to know it builds and
> runs on fc19 alpha...
> -- Fernando
>> Am 19.05.2013 17:37, schrieb Sean Beeson:
>>> 3.8.13-201.rt8.1.fc18.ccrma.i686.rtPAE
>>> On Sat, May 18, 2013 at 5:00 AM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
>>> <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu<mailto:nando at ccrma.stanford.edu>>  wrote:
>>>      Anyway, I just released an rt kernel based on 3.8.13 and rt8. It
>>>      is available on planetcore for fc18 and planetcore-testing for fc17.
>>>      I tried suspend on my "test" laptop running fc18 and it did wake
>>>      up correctly (at least two times, don't know about more :-), so
>>>      maybe this version fixed that problem.
>>>      Enjoy!
>>> Thanks for dropping a note about it. My machine got updated with
>>> 3.8.13-201.rt8.1.fc18.ccrma.i686.rtPAE with a lot of other cool
>>> updates/features for other things too.
>>> The resume/suspend is working really well for me as well.
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