[PlanetCCRMA] support for Fedora 20!
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
znmeb at znmeb.net
Sat Dec 21 22:10:14 PST 2013
OK ... first round of testing is completed. The stuff that works (not just
Planet CCRMA!!) is in https://github.com/znmeb/AlgoCompSynth
1. SuperCollider seems to have changed packaging - for now my script isn't
getting executed.
2. Somewhere along the line (F19 I think, maybe F18) Common Music
disappeared. Can it come back?
3. ChucK / miniAudicle from Planet CCRMA aren't making sounds on my GNOME 3
desktop with a USB headset. Recompiling from the latest upstream source
me sound - the trick is to use the 'pulse' option when you do the
'make'. You probably need three versions now - ALSA, Jack and Pulse(audio)
to cover all the bases.
Wish list:
1. Get Common Music back
2. Slippery Chicken - algorithmic composition in Lisp (
I want to package IanniX, Impro-Visor and AthenaCL for Fedora but don't
know if I'll have the time to go through the lengthy training / acceptance
process. They install fine from source so it's not like I'm losing anything
by not having them in Planet CCRMA or Fedora.
On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <
nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> [do not reply to planetccrmanews!, that's only for posting news...]
> Hi all, ho ho ho...
> The first batch of packages built for Fedora 20 is available!
> This morning I built the first 3.12.x rt patched kernel, just in time
> for this "release". It is based on the latest Koji build for fc20 and
> 3.12.5-rt7. Thoroughly tested. Just kidding. It boots and seems to work
> nicely in one (1) laptop, my T61 test machine (which I upgraded
> yesterday with fedup). Hopefully it will be as good as the 3.10.x series
> has been (which has been superb in my experience).
> Pointers to the repositories are, as usual, in the web page at:
> https://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/
> Start by installing the Planet CCRMA yum repositories as indicated.
> Some packages are missing, but not that many. One notable absence is
> pd-extended (newer version!). Its lua code in pdlua.c is not compatible
> with lua 5.2 which is what ships with Fedora 20. A patch would be most
> welcomec!
> Let me know if there is anything you need that was there in 19 and seems
> to be missing in 20.
> Enjoy!
> -- Fernando
> PS: missing: gmorgan, pd-*, latest version of faust and assorted toys.
> Some stuff missing also in 19 but nobody complained: cheesetracker,
> fweelin, zyn, etc.
> PS2: think about helping Brendan and all others by packaging or helping
> package audio software in Fedora:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Fedora-music-list] Some help please?
> Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:58:25 +0100
> From: Brendan Jones <brendan.jones.it at gmail.com>
> To: music at lists.fedoraproject.org <music at lists.fedoraproject.org>
> Hey all,
> the number one reason for me floating the audio spin was to get more
> developers/packagers interested in Fedora. Waste of time it turned out..
> Orcan has since toned down his contributions, but I'm sure he's amenable
> to sponsoring new packagers. I'm just worried if I get hit by a bus or
> something, which will leave us with no maintainership
> At the present time, I'm maintaining 100+ packages - crazy. There are a
> lot of ppl here who are capable, so if you have the time please step up
> B
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/znmeb; Computational Journalism Publishers
Get out of the building - and don't come back till you have the order!
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