[PlanetCCRMA] support for Fedora 20!

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Dec 19 13:55:04 PST 2013

[do not reply to planetccrmanews!, that's only for posting news...]

Hi all, ho ho ho...
The first batch of packages built for Fedora 20 is available!

This morning I built the first 3.12.x rt patched kernel, just in time 
for this "release". It is based on the latest Koji build for fc20 and 
3.12.5-rt7. Thoroughly tested. Just kidding. It boots and seems to work 
nicely in one (1) laptop, my T61 test machine (which I upgraded 
yesterday with fedup). Hopefully it will be as good as the 3.10.x series 
has been (which has been superb in my experience).

Pointers to the repositories are, as usual, in the web page at:

Start by installing the Planet CCRMA yum repositories as indicated.

Some packages are missing, but not that many. One notable absence is 
pd-extended (newer version!). Its lua code in pdlua.c is not compatible 
with lua 5.2 which is what ships with Fedora 20. A patch would be most 

Let me know if there is anything you need that was there in 19 and seems 
to be missing in 20.
-- Fernando

PS: missing: gmorgan, pd-*, latest version of faust and assorted toys. 
Some stuff missing also in 19 but nobody complained: cheesetracker, 
fweelin, zyn, etc.

PS2: think about helping Brendan and all others by packaging or helping 
package audio software in Fedora:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Fedora-music-list] Some help please?
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 20:58:25 +0100
From: Brendan Jones <brendan.jones.it at gmail.com>
To: music at lists.fedoraproject.org <music at lists.fedoraproject.org>

Hey all,

the number one reason for me floating the audio spin was to get more
developers/packagers interested in Fedora. Waste of time it turned out..
Orcan has since toned down his contributions, but I'm sure he's amenable
to sponsoring new packagers. I'm just worried if I get hit by a bus or
something, which will leave us with no maintainership

At the present time, I'm maintaining 100+ packages - crazy. There are a
lot of ppl here who are capable, so if you have the time please step up

music mailing list
music at lists.fedoraproject.org

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