[PlanetCCRMA] CCRMA Summer Workshops

Tricia Schroeter tricia at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu May 31 10:50:34 PDT 2012

Please spread the word about the CCRMA SUMMER WORKSHOPS 2012.  All dates are still accepting registrations.

6/18 - 6/22     Sound Art Installation: Elain Buckholtz and Sasha Leitman
6/25 - 6/29    Intelligent Audio Systems: Foundations and Applications of Music Information Retrieval:  Jay LeBoeuf
7/9 -  7/13      SuperCollider: Fernando Lopez Lezcano and Bruno Ruviaro
7/16 - 7/20     New Music Controllers: Ed Berdahl and Wendy Ju
7/23 - 7/27     Stompbox Design: Ed Berdahl and Esteban Maestre
7/30 - 8/3       Building Audio control interfaces for Android:  Lawrence Fyfe and Adam Tindale
8/6 - 8/10       Network Sound and Data:  Juan Pablo Carceres and Carr Wilkerson
8/13 - 8/17     Music and Mobile Computing:  Mark Cerqueira and Spencer Salazar 
8/27 - 8/31     Perceptual Audio Coding:  Marina Bosi and Rich Goldberg
8/27 - 9/1       3D Printing for Acoustics :  John Granzow and Marlo Kohn 

The Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics offers intensive programs where top educators and researchers from the fields of music, engineering, and computer science will present a detailed study of specialized subjects. Each workshop is one week long. The workshops are open to the public. Each day begins at 9:00 am and ends at 5:00 pm with an hour for lunch on your own.

All workshops are subject to change or cancellation based on low enrollment. Any workshop with low enrollment will be cancelled 3 weeks before start date of workshop.

Course tuition is $450.  Additional fees may be associated for lab material (see course descriptions for lab fees).

No academic credit is offered for participation in the workshops.

Housing costs are not included in the course fee.  Cardinal Hotel has special rates for CCRMA Workshop attendees. The hotel is located in downtown Palo Alto less than a mile from campus, and a couple blocks from where the Stanford free shuttle, theMarguerite, picks up to deliver you near the Knoll.   Register for housing at the Cardinal Hotel.

Directions to the CCRMA Workshop held at the Knoll, 660 Lomita Drive, Stanford, CA can be found here:http://www.stanford.edu/home/visitors/maps.html

Parking costs are not included in the course fee. Parking information can be found at the Stanford Parking and Transportation website: http://transportation.stanford.edu

Tricia Schroeter
CCRMA Administrator
660 Lomita Drive
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-8180
650-723-4971 x320
tricia at ccrma.stanford.edu

All workshops held at CCRMA require a $50 non-refundable registration fee.

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