[PlanetCCRMA] FFADO on Fedora 16

S C Rigler riglersc at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 04:47:23 PST 2012

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Juan Reyes <juanig at ccrma.stanford.edu>wrote:

> Hi,
> Sorry for this question which is recurrent in almost every Fedora
> update. Is anyone running FFADO on PlanetCCRMA Fedora-16?.
> I am not able to load raw1394 on the RT Kernel. As I see, there is the
> new FW stack on all 3.x Kernels but FFADO-DIAG reports that this is
> still kind of experimental.
> I have changed Firewire and libraw1394 permissions also, as per
> instructions on F-14, but they don't do the trick.
> Should I try to use the new stack (but I have not been able to find a
> lot of documentation on the Fedora side)? or should I keep using the old
> stack?.
> If I use the old stack how will I be able to load 'raw1394'?.
> Kernel 3.2.6-3.rt12.1.fc16.ccrma.x86_64.rt
> libraw1394-2.0.7-1.fc15.x86_64
>   Thanks,
>   --* Juan Reyes
IIRC, the old stack was removed around 2.9.36 or 2.9.37 so you can ignore
the message about the new stack being experimental.

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