[PlanetCCRMA] mrpeach pd library for fedora 16 x86_64

elecronicq focalt at elecronicq.info
Wed Feb 8 13:30:30 PST 2012

thanks guys! just managed to make it work! had to disable f16 firewall

On 09/02/2012, at 01:18, Julius Smith <jos at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:

> I think you have to explicitly add its path in pd-extended - jos
> At 11:02 AM 2/8/2012, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>> On 02/08/2012 10:46 AM, elecronicq wrote:
>> > hello mr. Fernando! first of all I would like to thank you for maintaining such a great repository!
>> >
>> > how I install mrpeach library on my machine?
>> Hmm, I'm not an expert in pd but it seems that mrpeach is already part
>> of the installed pd-extended (which I presume you have installed and are
>> using).
>> If you go to the browser after you start pd you should see a "mrpeach"
>> folder with examples and code. I have not tested them but the stuff
>> seems to be there (you may need to add paths for pd to see all of itf).
>> Maybe some pd user in the list can chime in with more details.....
>> -- Fernando
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> Julius O. Smith III <jos at ccrma.stanford.edu>
> Prof. of Music and Assoc. Prof. (by courtesy) of Electrical Engineering
> CCRMA, Stanford University
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