[PlanetCCRMA] pdf annotation

michael noble looplog at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 18:03:48 PDT 2011

Hi Justin,

There is always Xournal, which can use a pdf as a background layer over
which you can draw essentially anything. It can be cumbersome with large
files, and you don't get bookmarks.

Another thing to consider would trying open/libreoffice, which can open pdfs
for editing, with a varying degree of success. You could then use the
drawing features for any kind of annotations.


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Justin Haynes <justin at justinhaynes.com>wrote:

> I have a use case I'd like to find some software to fit. In a nutshell, I'd
> like to play from any of 1000s of pages of realbooks I have as pdfs stored
> on my fedora 15 PlanetCCRMA laptop, which contain no text but only image
> scans of the pages of the original books.  I want to be able to do the
> following:
>    - Using my pen and touch bamboo tablet, mark up the music with
>    rehearsal notes
>    - Have those notes stored with the pdf so they can be opened elsewhere
>    with the same notes.
>       - Ideallly, these notes are stored in the pdf.
>    - Be able to find notes easily,
>    - Bookmarks are a nice feature as well to be able to find a song
>    without having to relocate it.
>    - Be able to print with the annotations in tact.
> So far I have tried this with okular (annotations stored in
> ~/.kde/share/apps/okular/docdata as an xml file per pdf file).   Writing or
> drawing symbols such as accent marks, phrase marks, crescendos writing is
> cumbersome as whenever you pick up the pen from using the 'green ink' button
> on the review toolbar, the button is no longer depressed and you must select
> it again.
> I've written enough to ask the question.  Read on for more information
> about my setup to understand why this is useful to me.  Maybe it will be
> useful to you as well.  Thanks in advance for any insight.
> Thanks,
> Justin
> I have laptop on which I run Fedora + PlanetCCRMA.  (
> https://justinhaynes.com/wiki/index.php?title=Thinkpad_X61s_Fedora_10_PlanetCCRMA).
> Currently I'm not doing much recording, but I may again someday in the
> future.  Also, the laptop does now run Fedora 15 and not 10 as it did
> originally.
> Soon, I'll be solving the problem of having to set up and breakdown the
> simple recording equipment I have and my limited space problem, by mounting
> a docking station for my Thinkpad on the back of a dresser with the rest of
> my network equipement.  The docking station grips the laptop so that it can
> be stored vertically and out of the way.  To take it with me, I just press
> the button and pop it off leaving my recording equipement there ready when I
> want it.
> A 1900 x 1600 42" LCD TV will be hooked up to the docking station.   I have
> been using this tv with the laptop already and sheet music is visible and
> usable from a distance of 6-12 feet with 1-3 pages across depending on the
> music.  This is perfect for comfortably playing and sharing the music with
> others.    Its also big enough and thing enough that if I would like to
> mount it in front of the upright piano, the piano player and anyone else can
> see it.  Being able to mark up one master copy of music is nice for a small
> group to work from one "score"
> Having those pdfs be portable is nice as the file can be taken with
> people.  In the case of the okular pdfs, we can probably come up with a way
> to merge annotations if many of us would like to mark up music and share
> this markup.  Actually it is readable enough to do it by hand - (just
> concatenate them and ensure that identifiers dont' overlap.  Then delete
> what you don't want in okular)
> Zooming and writing with one hand on a tablet which can be anywhere in the
> room closeby is nice.
> And of course printing this for people would be a plus as no one I know
> rehearses this way.  (and they don't *have* to. If they want to play from
> paper, that's fine too.)
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