[PlanetCCRMA] C++ development of Jack enabled applications OR the Tsunami nor Fukushima hasn't killed me yet

Sean Beeson seanbeeson at gmail.com
Wed May 4 13:03:51 PDT 2011

Hi, list.

Sean here in Japan. It's been a while since I've hit up the list. I have
been in the Tokyo area the whole time, so the tsunami and Fukushima were
never a worry for me, but it has been very stressful. From the moment the
nuclear plants in Fukushima had problems I have been able to check radiation
levels from Geiger counters online that the general public had no knowledge
of  and then by the second week the local hacker community had quite a few
setup and were also compiling numbers with all sorts of mashups, so I have
known most the time that we have been relatively safe with very low levels
of radiation. In fact, places in the U.S. have higher levels naturally just
from natural radon from the ground. Where I am, Yokohama, the drinking water
is sourced from Yamanashi, which is not where Tokyo gets it's water, and
didn't see the low levels of iodine-131 that Tokyo's water was seeing.
However, unlike my ability to check with my own eyes the radiation levels in
the air in the Tokyo area, I have to completely put my faith in the Japanese
government on the safety of water and food. If you look back some companies
and the government have has some questionable history in some exposure to
radiation in the past. Anyway, that's just a little update for anyone who
might have wondered and isn't what I want to ask about. ;-)

I finally buckled down and took on the C++-learning curve. If I keep having
the free time I've had, another week should see me on the down slop. I've
started looking at the Jack API and the example code one can find on Jack's
site and Wiki. Three issues have already confronted me that I'd like some
thoughts on now as a newbee with the Jack API. Is this where people tell me
to ask over there? :-)

Firstly, since I am hoping to develop editor/librarians for external
hardware that will only be sending and receiving MIDI CCs and sysexec data,
Is incorporating the Jack API my only option or can I do something easier
with just ALSA and Jack will see it anyway? I read on the Jack Wiki that
Jack doesn't handle sysexec data very well and there is even a proposal to
give this some attention. *http://tinyurl.com/midi-sysexec-proposal *I want
to be able to use these applications while I have Jack running and I have
found you can't use the alsa utilities, if you are running Jack. Since
in QjackCtl
under the Connections everything, other than audio signals, are under the
ALSA tab anymore. Has everyone dropped using Jack midi ports and Jack is
making midi connections with ALSA. What is that or the difference of those?

Secondly, I want to do this in C++ because I already have OOP in my brain
and I have run into some wiki discussions about needing to use a wrapper for
the best results. Considering my first question, what's the common trend on

Lastly, since Jack has some issues with sysexec information, has anyone had
good luck with Jack and sysexec messages? I do send small sysexec messages,
say for one or two parameter changes, without a problem in Rosegarden, but
large amounts of data doesn't work so well.

Anyway, Thanks and I hope everyone has been well.

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