[PlanetCCRMA] update for alsa-tools (hdspmixer) on fc14

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Feb 27 15:39:21 PST 2011

On 02/27/2011 01:46 PM, Craig Bourne wrote:
> Though I posted the error response of my command-line invocation of 
> the revised hdspmixer to the CCRMA list, my posting bounced (pending 
> approval) because I am "not a list member." I am, in fact, a long time 
> list member and continue to receive monthly reminders of that fact 
> along with a reminder of my password.

... I see, you are subscribed to planetccrmanews which is only for 
announcements, but you are not subscribed to planetccrma which is the 
general discussion list. Sorry for the confusion.

-- Fernando

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